About Me


I am the mad hatter of hobbies. It's always been difficult for me to finish a project no matter how passionate I am about it. I knit, sew, play guitar, read incessantly about women's health, play with medicinal herbs, dance, hula hoop, cook awesome healthy food, and try to write. Mostly I just think about writing. Hopefully that is about to change. 

Last summer I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, in the fall I got married and the next day pregnant... with TWINS! During my pregnancy I turned 30 and was in bed by 7:30pm. Now the babies are out and I am in a constant state of blissful mommy x 2 mode. Although I am busy 24/7 at home I have had time to reflect on the massive year I just had. I want to get it all down before I forget the good parts. 

My fabulous friend Andrea and me
at our IIN graduation.
July 2010
Me and Matthew
October 2nd, 2010

Pregnant in the early spring 2011

Welcome home babies! I still can't believe there's two!